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英语词汇step up词汇句型突破精品课堂

2023-01-18| 发布者: 东陵新媒体| 查看: 144| 评论: 3|来源:互联网

摘要: 英语词汇stepup词汇句型突破精品课堂【原句呈现】PoliceinAmericahavesteppeduptheirsearchforafifteen-year-oldboywhowentmissingthreeday...
英语词汇step up词汇句型突破精品课堂
【原句呈现】Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing three days ago in Dover, New Hampshire. (查一查字典含有“step”的短语的意义)
①John waited until the teacher had finished speaking to Mary, and then he stepped up.
②The factory stepped up the production to meet the increasing demand.
③Women’s social position in China has been much stepped up in the past 50 years.
④When Jack found that he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace.
⑤The police have stepped up their search for the lost child. 警方已经加强了寻找丢失的孩子的。
⑥Would you mind stepping aside to let him in?劳驾您往旁边让一让,让他进来好吗?

⑦A foreign language must be learned step by step.外语必须循序渐进地学习。


⑧We must take steps to help them.我们必须采取措施来帮助他们。
step up加紧,加强,促进,走上前,加快/提高(步伐/速度等)
让路,站到一边,让位step aside 
采取措施做某事take steps to do sth.=take measures to do sth.
一步步地,逐步地,循序渐进地step by step
①They are trying to _______ the project to meet the deadline.
A. step up          B. set up C. look up          D. pick up
【答案与解析】A。句意:他们正在尽力加快进程,以赶上截止时间。step up加快;促进。set up建立;搭起;look up查询,抬头看;pick up捡起,接收。根据句意,答案为A 项。
②The government has considered _______ to keep the environment free from pollution.
A. taking place B. taking many steps C. taking charge D. taking hold
【答案与解析】B。句意:政府已考虑采取措施使得环境免受污染。take steps to do 采取措施做某事,故选B项。
③Apple is trying to _______ its iPhone production to meet the increasing demand.
A. show up  B. stay up C. step up  D. work up
【答案与解析】C。句意:苹果正在努力提高其iPhone产量来满足日益增长的需求。show up出席,到场;stay up熬夜;step up加大,增强;work up引起,逐步发展。故选C。
④When asked about their opinions about the school master, many teachers would prefer to see him _______ in favor of younger men.
A. show up    B. carry out C. make up    D. step aside
【答案与解析】D。句意:当被问及关于校长的意见时,许多老师希望他能让位于更年轻的人。step aside退让,退位。
⑤We should advance _______ in our studies, and not reach for what is beyond our grasp.
A. hand in hand     B. step by step    C. from time to time   D. one after another
【答案与解析】B。step by step逐步地,循序渐进地。句意:我们在学习上应当循序渐进,不能好高骛远。hand in hand密切相关的,同时发生的。from time to time一次又一次;one after another一个接一个。

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